Public Adjusters & Insurance Appraisers

Our Goal

“To help every­one we talk to…and some of them will even need to hire us”.

Our Promise

“As your pub­lic adjuster we will increase the struc­tur­al part of your claim, or you owe us noth­ing”.

Our Services

As public adjusters and and impartial appraisers with over 60 years of combined experience, we represent the interests of you the policyholder during the insurance claim process. If you have suffered damage to your property, such as fire, water, storm, or other disasters, and are concerned you’re not getting what was promised you, that’s where we come in…
Public Adjuster Services - Insurance Policy Appraisal and Assesments

Free Insurance Policy Review

As pro­fes­sion­al pub­lic insur­ance adjusters, we pro­vide a free expert lev­el review. All three of the part­ners have spent years study­ing and test­ing to get their AIC and SPPA cre­den­tials — which means you are in good hands.

Insurance Claim Assessment

Insurance Claim Assessment

We metic­u­lous­ly assess the dam­age and doc­u­ment all aspects cor­rect­ly. This com­pre­hen­sive eval­u­a­tion helps iden­ti­fy all dam­ages cov­ered under the pol­i­cy, some of which the pol­i­cy­hold­er might not be imme­di­ate­ly aware of.

Property Loss Claim Filing form

Inventory of Contents Preparation

This is a cru­cial step in the claims process. We pre­pare the nec­es­sary doc­u­ments and evi­dence to sub­mit your con­tents claim. You only have one chance to get it right. Our Inven­to­ry Spe­cial­ists will make sure that it is.

Insurance Claim Negotiation

Insurance Claim Negotiation

We nego­ti­ate with the insur­ance com­pa­ny on behalf of you, the pol­i­cy­hold­er. Our goal is to secure the most favor­able set­tle­ment pos­si­ble under the pol­i­cy’s terms. You only pay a small per­cent­age of the addi­tion­al mon­ey we recov­er.

Residential Claims

How can you tell if your adjuster is being fair? Well, it’s not just about the cost they esti­mate for fix­ing things but also about what your insur­ance pol­i­cy actu­al­ly cov­ers. You might be new to insur­ance claims, but we’ve seen it all before. So, we’re hap­py to offer a “sec­ond opin­ion” for free. That means we’ll review your pol­i­cy and inspect the dam­age along­side your esti­mate with­out charg­ing you any­thing. Why do we do this? Because it’s the only way to know if you need extra help with your claim. You should­n’t have to pay for any­thing you don’t need. Learn more…

Commercial Claims

Var­i­ous types of dis­as­ters, like fires, floods, tor­na­does, hur­ri­canes, hail storms, and cat­a­stroph­ic events such as burst pipes or col­lapsed roofs, can wreak hav­oc on your com­mer­cial oper­a­tions and prop­er­ty. Our com­mer­cial pub­lic adjuster ser­vices help to alle­vi­ate the stress­ful insur­ance claims process often fol­low­ing such inci­dents. Our han­dling of your com­mer­cial claim allows you to chan­nel your exper­tise into steer­ing your busi­ness or insti­tu­tion toward a com­plete recov­ery.

Serving The Southeast

We are a licensed Pub­lic Adjuster & Insur­ance Claim Appraisal com­pa­ny in Alaba­ma, Flori­da, Geor­gia, Ken­tucky, Mis­sis­sip­pi, and Ten­nessee

Why clients love us…

Bo BillsBo Bills1739411110
We recent­ly had a large tree fall on our house. Our loss was sig­nif­i­cant and we were out of our house for over 6 months for repairs and recon­struc­tion. Hank Stop­pel­bein was invalu­able in his help, advice and coun­sel as we dealt with both our insur­ance com­pa­ny and our con­trac­tor. Hank was kind, help­ful, empa­thet­ic, avail­able and extreme­ly knowl­edge­able. Our ulti­mate set­tle­ment was out­stand­ing and cov­ered all of our costs. Thanks to Hank and his team, the process could not have gone any smoother. Thank you! Many times thank you.

Justin SnowJustin Snow1735581507
I had the plea­sure of work­ing with Hank, Conor, & Denis with Franklin Prop­er­ty Claims! Rest easy know­ing you will be in good hands with FPC. I found they are incred­i­bly knowl­edge­able on adjust­ing insur­ance claims, extreme­ly thor­ough through­out the process, and have great com­mu­ni­ca­tion skills!

Expert pro-home­own­er advice.
Hank Stop­ple­bein of Franklin Prop­er­ty Claims gave us such expert advice when I filed a claim due to a water leak that flood­ed the entire 1st floor of my town­house. All of the hard­wood floor­ing had to be replaced. It was the kind of spe­cif­ic advice you can only get from some­one who is clear­ly very well-versed on every angle of the sit­u­a­tion and the posi­tions the par­ties involved will take along the way. As some­one who has owned mul­ti­ple homes but for­tu­nate­ly nev­er had to file an insur­ance claim before, I found his advice invalu­able. I whole­heart­ed­ly rec­om­mend Franklin Prop­er­ties.

kris moorekris moore1732458223
Work­ing with Franklin Prop­er­ty Claims, Rosan­na and Conor, was the best deci­sion that we made by far! When you’re going through a tragedy, and every­thing and every­one is seem­ing­ly com­ing at you, it can be over­whelm­ing. It’s hard to know who to trust. I’m extreme­ly grate­ful that we met Conor and decid­ed to work with him. It made every­thing so much eas­i­er. There is no way we would have received our full ben­e­fit and close the claim in the amount of time that we did with­out their help. Cour­te­ous, pro­fes­sion­al and prompt through­out the entire process.

We had a large claim this past year and I am grate­ful I was able to con­nect with Hank at Franklin Prop­er­ty Claims.🙏Our claim was very com­plex and the adjuster did not seem to be on our side at all. I am so thank­ful for Hank’s sup­port, knowl­edge, and most all car­ing for human­i­ty. I speak from my soul, he was God­send to me and my five daugh­ters one of which who at that time was just diag­nosed with stage 3 endometrio­sis can­cer that had spread to her intestines. I was shat­tered and at my weak­est emo­tion­al­ly and men­tal­ly drained.I had no fight left in me but to fight for my daugh­ter. The adjuster had no remorse she was just a heart­less human being who brought more stress into my life. But God sent Hank, to fight for me and he did just that. I tell you, Hank helped me with my paper­work and made sure that I under­stood the process.. I know God from above sent Hank our way such an amaz­ing human being that
would call me to get updates on my claim and always asked about my daugh­ter’s health, and told me we were always in his prayers, and that speaks vol­umes. Again, I thank God for allow­ing me to talk to Hank, he took away a lot of stress and yes my daugh­ter rang the bell the day before Thanks­giv­ing can­cer-free.. I am for­ev­er grateful/ thank­ful for Hank fol­low­ing up with me. If you have an insur­ance claim I high­ly rec­om­mend you give this com­pa­ny a call and just maybe Hank will answer and you will get the chance to meet an angel. One thing about life you you will nev­er for­get is how some­one made you feel in your time of need.🙏🙏🔝

Kind regards
Bev­er­ly Ingram

Jirong LongJirong Long1725981205
Hank and Joseph are the best! When our prop­er­ty was dam­aged by the tor­na­do, we were shocked and scared to com­mu­ni­cate with Insur­ance. Hank saved us!!! He helped us a lot even at that time we do not know whether their ser­vice is need­ed. Joseph did a very good job to detail the dam­ages and com­mu­ni­cate with Insur­ance. Thank you Hank and Joseph!!!

Hope there is no acci­dent and you do not need to deal with Insur­ance, But if you need, I will 100% rec­om­mend the Franklin Prop­er­ty Claims group.

Ryan WhittenRyan Whit­ten1720715024
Conor with “Franklin prop­er­ty claims” has been a tremen­dous­ly knowl­edge­able and help­ful indi­vid­ual in one of the most dif­fi­cult times of our lives. His expe­ri­ence, com­munca­tions and under­stand­ing of the insur­ance pol­i­cy lim­its and state laws has helped us immense­ly in mak­ing sure we received a fair set­tle­ment on our claim. For those that feel over­whelmed in the face of dis­as­ter and don’t under­stand all the unique lan­guages and math­e­mat­ics of the insur­ance com­pa­nies- Conor is a tremen­dous resource to help trans­late it. I’m not a “tes­ti­mo­ni­al ” guy, but after work­ing with Conor I felt that let­ting oth­ers know he is a valu­able help in dif­fi­cult sit­u­a­tions and is always will­ing to help.

I recent­ly had the plea­sure of work­ing with Franklin Prop­er­ty Claims for my insur­ance claim in Ken­tucky area, and I could­n’t be more sat­is­fied with the excep­tion­al ser­vice I received. From the very begin­ning, the team demon­strat­ed a high lev­el of pro­fes­sion­al­ism, empa­thy, and effi­cien­cy that made a poten­tial­ly stress­ful sit­u­a­tion much more man­age­able.

The com­mu­ni­ca­tion through­out the process was out­stand­ing. Franklin Prop­er­ty Claims kept me informed at every stage, ensur­ing that I under­stood what was hap­pen­ing and what to expect next. They patient­ly answered all my ques­tions and pro­vid­ed clear expla­na­tions, which helped alle­vi­ate any con­cerns I had.

What impressed me most was their ded­i­ca­tion to resolv­ing my claim quick­ly and fair­ly. They went above and beyond to gath­er all nec­es­sary doc­u­men­ta­tion and liaised with oth­er par­ties involved, ensur­ing a smooth and expe­dit­ed res­o­lu­tion. The lev­el of detail and care they put into han­dling my claim was tru­ly remark­able.

Thanks to Franklin Prop­er­ty Claims, I felt sup­port­ed and con­fi­dent that my best inter­ests were being looked after. The out­come of my claim was more than sat­is­fac­to­ry, and I am incred­i­bly grate­ful for their hard work and ded­i­ca­tion.

I high­ly rec­om­mend Franklin Prop­er­ty Claims to any­one in need of claim assis­tance. Their pro­fes­sion­al­ism, exper­tise, and gen­uine con­cern for their clients make them stand out in the indus­try. Thank you again for mak­ing this process so seam­less and stress-free!
Response from the own­er: Hey Felipe, Thank you so much for your thought­ful review. I am real­ly hap­py to hear you had a great expe­ri­ence work­ing with Franklin Prop­er­ty Claims. We pride our­selves on being there for our clients every step of the way. It is no small feat going toe to toe with insur­ance com­pa­nies, but I am glad­dened to know that our efforts in improv­ing your claim 381% in a month and a half have not gone unno­ticed. Our team was/is always ready to take your calls and answer any ques­tions about your claim or any future claims you may have. It was a plea­sure help­ing you out, and we appre­ci­ate your kind words. If you ever need any­thing else, just give me a shout. Cheers, Conor Rowe AIC, SPPA

A Five Star Review for Franklin Prop­er­ty Claims (for­mer­ly The Howarth Group) — Pub­lic Adjusters and Impar­tial Apprais­ers:
Fol­low­ing a house fire, I became over­whelmed with sev­er­al tasks required by the insur­ance com­pa­ny and sought the assis­tance of Hank Stop­pel­bein and Jeanne Gen­try. Start­ing with an Insur­ance Pol­i­cy Review, Claim Assess­ment and all the way through the Inven­to­ry of Con­tents Lost, I was con­tin­u­al­ly impressed with the knowl­edge, capa­bil­i­ties, cour­tesy and respect shown by these pro­fes­sion­als. I high­ly rec­om­mend Franklin Prop­er­ty Claims to any­one hav­ing sim­i­lar insur­ance relat­ed needs or issues.
Jeff Min­gle­dorff
Colum­bia, Ten­nessee

vikki jonesvik­ki jones1717070116
When tragedy came knock­ing on my doorsteps in the month of Jan­u­ary 2024, I was a total wreck. I didn’t know which direc­tion to turn, and so over­whelmed. But while on Tik­Tok it men­tioned some­thing along the lines of a pub­lic adjuster in one of the videos I watched, so I hopped on google and was led to Mr. Hank’s office. It was a God send! Hank has walked me through so many steps on things I was fac­ing and things to come; he even helps me with mat­ters that has no involve­ment in con­cern­ing the con­tents of my home. And from Jan­u­ary to now, he is still assist­ing me to make sure I’m not screwed over by the insur­ance com­pa­ny. He’s very hon­est and trust­wor­thy in all aspects that I’ve noticed. And let’s not for­get he’s friend­ly and warm heart­ed which is an extra perk that won my busi­ness with him over.

There’s so much I could say, but I’ll sum it up with 2 adverbs; ded­i­cat­ed and knowl­edge­able. She went in and did her job with­in impec­ca­ble tim­ing. I was won­der­ing how did she do that… lol! But, I must say she’s good at what she does. She answers all calls and text with­in a decent time frame, she able to com­mu­ni­cate with me with­out leav­ing me con­fused or won­der­ing what’s going on or what’s the next steps. And that’s the type of devot­ed peo­ple I love to give my busi­ness to!!!

They have tak­en a big weight off my back, which allowed me to regain some nor­mal­cy back in my life. And I’ll for­ev­er be grate­ful for their help!

Thanks Hank and Jeanne for every­thing!!!


Angela OneillAngela Oneill1716562627
My fam­i­ly and I have great­ly ben­e­fit­ted from and respect­ed the pro­fes­sion­al ser­vices of Hank Stop­pel­bein in our chaot­ic expe­ri­ence of nav­i­gat­ing the Insur­ance Com­pa­nies Esti­mates of Scope of Loss and Replace­ment Costs.We found great peace as we lis­tened to and received Hank’s wis­dom and lead­er­ship. His coun­sel was peace­able in the midst of our emo­tion­al storm. We high­ly rec­om­mend his ser­vice men­tal­i­ty and sta­bi­liz­ing strength in the Restora­tion Process.
Dou­glas and Angela ONeill

John ShedronJohn She­dron1716515787
In April of 2023, our house was hit by light­ning, caus­ing a fire that ren­dered our house a total loss by our insur­ance com­pa­ny. Liv­ing through that night­mare, suf­fer­ing from shock and dis­be­lief, along with try­ing to wrap our heads around every­thing we lost was over­whelm­ing. More­over, try­ing to recon­struct a report of lost con­tents for the insur­ance claim process was some­thing beyond our men­tal capa­bil­i­ties. Thanks to a friend, who intro­duced us to Conor, who intro­duced us to Jeanne Gen­try.

From the moment we sat down with Jeanne, she con­veyed a sense of calm and high lev­el of deter­mi­na­tion to help us recon­struct per­son­al items we had lost. Over sev­er­al months and count­less hours of meet­ings review­ing pic­tures col­lect­ed over the years, Jeanne was able to recon­struct a room by room inven­to­ry of items we had pri­or to the fire. In addi­tion, she was famil­iar with our insur­ance car­ri­er’s claims process and sys­tem.

What Jeanne accom­plish in a mat­ter of months would have tak­en us years con­sid­er­ing the state of mind we were in sev­er­al months after the fire. Jeanne worked dili­gent­ly on the com­put­er to search for items we lost, regard­less of coun­try, in order to sub­stan­ti­ate replace­ment val­ues. When she was done, she had a list­ing of every­thing we could think of with links to pic­tures and replace­ment val­ues for our claims sub­mis­sion. This com­pi­la­tion ranged from spices in the kitchen, tools and shoes from the garages, items in bath­room draw­ers, to large fur­ni­ture and antiques rang­ing from fine chi­na and rugs, to pieces dat­ing back to the late 1700’s. In short, she did an incred­i­ble job of cre­at­ing a report show­ing con­tents we lost along with replace­ment val­ues.

When she was done and sub­mit­ted our report to the insur­ance com­pa­ny, our insur­ance adjuster called me and com­pli­ment­ed her on her lev­el of detail and sup­port­ing doc­u­men­ta­tion. The insur­ance com­pa­ny only ques­tioned a cou­ple of large tick­et items out of thou­sands of sub­mis­sions, before they approved our claim and issued their pay­ment accord­ing to our insur­ance cov­er­age.

When you’re con­front­ed with tragedy and your body goes into a state of shock to pro­tect you from grief, nor­mal task are no longer nor­mal. Cou­ple that state of mind with the task of cre­at­ing a report show­ing every­thing you had in your house for insur­ance pur­pos­es, your body goes into an over­load state. Thank good­ness there are peo­ple like Jeanne who can help you in your time of need. Reflect­ing on how Jeanne was able to help us/guide us through our claims process was noth­ing short of gods grace since we can’t imag­ine how we would have accom­plished that task alone.

John & Karen She­dron

Dan ColeyDan Coley1716124726
Amidst the emo­tion­al trau­ma fol­low­ing our house fire the loss felt over­whelm­ing. Like­wise as the require­ment to account for lost per­son­al prop­er­ty became clear we were shocked to learn what was expect­ed of us in order for our insur­ance to pay for the loss as we had always expect­ed if a fire occurred.
Then we met Hank and one of his team mem­bers Rosan­na. Their help was more valu­able than we imag­ined pos­si­ble. We had no expe­ri­ence with this process. We found the labo­ri­ous task of com­plet­ing spread sheets and research­ing costs and even attempt­ing to remem­ber all the items in our pos­ses­sion was extreme­ly dif­fi­cult. Hank and Rossana not only brought expe­ri­ence and exper­tise, but their knowl­edge, trust­wor­thi­ness and calm­ing pres­ence lit­er­al­ly encour­aged us in ways we nev­er antic­i­pat­ed need­ing! With over­whelm­ing grat­i­tude we acknowl­edge a job well done by Hank and Rosan­na.

Debra JohnsonDebra John­son1714751570
Hi my name is Debra and I want every­one that read this post to know that this com­pa­ny is very trust­wor­thy, and hon­est. I worked with a man named Hank, he came at a time when I need­ed him most. I was at rock bot­tom and did­n’t know where to turn. I prayed and ask the good Lord to send me help with my issues that I was hav­ing with my Insur­ance com­pa­ny, they were not try­ing to help at all. Even though I had paid my insur­ance every year, but when my house burned they were not try­ing to do the right thing. But Hank put me on the right path and helped me get what I was due. He hung in there until the last dot was dry on the paper.
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