Public Adjusters & Insurance Appraisers

Competing Objectives When Filing A Claim 2

Competing Objectives When Filing A Claim

Considerations When Filing A Claim

Franklin Property Claims LogoInsur­ance com­pa­nies are no dif­fer­ent than any oth­er busi­ness; their objec­tive is to be prof­itable. Being prof­itable requires 1) increas­ing and sus­tain­ing rev­enues and 2) keep­ing costs to a min­i­mum.

As long as you are pay­ing your pre­mi­ums (rev­enue to them) you are an “asset”. Once you file a claim (a cost to them) you become a “lia­bil­i­ty”. It’s that sim­ple.

On the oth­er hand, you are want­i­ng the max­i­mum set­tle­ment when fil­ing a claim. After all, you paid all of pre­mi­ums and you paid them on time, and you just want what you’re enti­tled to.… not a pen­ny less and not a pen­ny more. Right?

But now we now have com­pet­ing objec­tives: You want the max­i­mum amount you’re enti­tled to, and your insur­ance com­pa­ny wants to pay the least amount possible…and prefer­ably with­out you know­ing it. That’s the real­i­ty. This is a busi­ness trans­ac­tion and it’s all about the mon­ey. If you believe oth­er­wise, then you should stop read­ing right now.

I am not say­ing that they are wrong to look after their own inter­ests but like­wise so should you the pol­i­cy­hold­er look after yours. Even Scrip­ture says that a per­son can­not serve two mas­ters. It’s exceed­ing­ly dif­fi­cult for an adjuster to fair­ly rep­re­sent their employ­ers’ objec­tives and yours at the same time. Let’s look at two exam­ples.

Who Should You Trust When Filing A Claim?

It’s tax sea­son right now, so let me ask you this: would you let an IRS agent do your tax­es for you? Of course not. He/she has com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent objec­tives than you. Right?

Or would you walk into court and tell the judge that you would like to use as your attor­ney, the same attor­ney that is rep­re­sent­ing the oppos­ing side of your case? Even if you want­ed to do some­thing that fool­ish the judge would not let you because he knows that it’s a clear and unmis­tak­able con­flict of inter­est.

It’s for this rea­son that 45 states license and reg­u­late Pub­lic Adjusters. The Depart­ment of Insur­ance in each of the 45 states real­ize that their own cit­i­zens need the oppor­tu­ni­ty to have a lev­el play­ing field when they are up against peo­ple who nego­ti­ate insur­ance claims each and every day, year in and year out.

This is why we at Franklin Prop­er­ty Claims serve as Ten­nessee Pub­lic Adjusters, Ken­tucky Pub­lic Adjusters, Mis­sis­sip­pi Pub­lic Adjusters, Alaba­ma Apprais­ers, and Geor­gia Pub­lic Adjusters. If you want to max­i­mize your set­tle­ment, con­sid­er hir­ing some­body like us. You won’t regret hav­ing a claims pro­fes­sion­al on your side of the claim who “knows the ropes” and can help you get all the finan­cial ben­e­fits you are enti­tled to.


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